Mission and Vision
Livermore High School Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a well-rounded, rigorous curriculum in a safe and supportive learning environment that promotes the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional growth of all students.
Livermore High School Vision Statement
Livermore High School's vision is to foster the academic, social, emotional, and physical growth of every student. All students acknowledge their own and others’ unique qualities, act with dignity and integrity, and graduate ready for college and/or a career.
Goals: The LHS faculty, staff, students, and parents/guardians will work together to make this vision a reality through accomplishment of the following three overarching goals:
- Increase the percentage of students who have the skills and knowledge to graduate college and/or career ready by meeting the following metrics for every student group:
- Annual increase in students meeting/exceeding English Language Arts, Math, and Science standards as measured by the California State assessments.
- Annual increase in Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway completion rate.
- Annual increase in UC/CSU a-g completion rate.
- Annual increase in graduation rate.
- Annual decrease in incidents of cheating and plagiarism.
- Provide an engaging, clean, healthy, physically and emotionally safe, and inclusive environment to support learning at the highest levels by meeting the following metrics for every student group:
- Annual increase in students reporting that school is a safe place and that they have a sense of school connectedness, a sense of social regulation, and relationships with caring adults on campus as reported via the California Healthy Kids Survey and our District Panorama Survey.
- Annual increase in percent of students meeting physical fitness standards.
- Annual decrease in student behavioral referrals and suspension rates, particularly in the areas of cyber bullying/harassment.
- Annual decrease in chronic absenteeism rate.
- Strengthen parent and community engagement and communication by meeting the following metrics:
- Parent/guardian surveys show satisfaction with, and suggestions for, the LHS website.
- Parent/guardian exit surveys show satisfaction with parent workshops.
- Annual increase in parent/guardian participation in PTSA, Booster parent groups, and ELAC.
- Annual increase in parent/guardian involvement in Back-to-School Night, EXPO, and similar events.
- Annual increase in number of press releases regarding positive things happening at LHS.
Livermore High School Student Learning Outcomes
Livermore High School graduates will possess the following knowledge and skills needed for L.I.F.E.
L - Literacy and Critical Thinking
- Skill in reading, writing, numeracy, and the clear and logical expression of ideas and opinions in a wide variety of formats to function at home and in college, the workplace, and social settings
- Depth of knowledge in and across the content areas of English, social science, math, science, art, business, world languages/multi-culturalism, and visual and performing arts to participate as educated members of our global society and to achieve post-high school education and career goals
- Information processing and analytical skills to become life-long learners and informed decision makers in a diversity of contexts
I. - Innovation
- Skill in understanding complex problems, recognizing new opportunities, and combining knowledge of dissimilar concepts to create new perspectives to improve efficiency and effectiveness at home and in the workplace
- Technological knowledge required to comfortably adapt to current and new technologies that provide access to, and tools for managing, increasingly large quantities of information
F - Fitness
- Physical fitness, health, and consumer knowledge and skills to live a physically healthy life
- Active listening, reciprocal communication, and collaboration skills needed to build and maintain the relationships required for one’s social wellness
- Commitment, determination, and resilience skills to maintain a strong work ethic, overcome road blocks, and thrive as an emotionally healthy being
E - Ethics
- Principles, values, and dictates of conscience for functioning responsibly, ethically, and honorably when carrying out personal, social, and civic responsibilities