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LHS Club Information

 All of these forms along with the current club list are on the Club Page of our LHS ASB website (which can be found under Student Life-Associated Student Body (ASB)-Clubs.

ASB's Club page:

For our list of currently approved clubs with their times, locations, and advisors: Please see the Google Document at the top of the ASB Club page (link above).

For club applications to start a club: 

You will be required to submit 3 forms in order to start a new club: the digital Google form application (digital), the physical application form (you will print a copy a fill), AND the club constitution (you will print a copy a fill). They can all be found in the website below. All 3 forms must be submitted before a club is even considered for the approval process. All information must be filled. 



Activities Requests Forms

Need an Activities Request Form? The three pages of the PDF are below. Print and fill or pick up a copy from the Activities Office Window. Then, turn it in to the left Activities Office Window.

Please plan at least three weeks in advance!!! ASB only meets ONCE a week go over and approve Activities Requests that are sent to the Activities Office. 

The signature, email, and phone number need to be of the advisor or adult in charge, NOT the student in charge.


Activities Request Form Page 1 of 3

First page of the PDF file: ACTIVITIESREQUESTFORMPAGE1of3revised11-18-24

Activities Request Form Page 2 of 3

First page of the PDF file: ACTIVITIESREQUESTFORMPAGE2of3revised11-18-24

Activities Request Form Page 3 of 3

First page of the PDF file: ACTIVITIESREQUESTFORMPAGE3of3revised11-18-24