Script L
The "Script L" award is given to students to recognize the involvement in extracurricular activities, school service and academic achievement. The system is as follows: You must acquire 100 points over four years to receive the award. Points are assigned for the activities you partake in, the leadership position you hold, and for your G.P.A. The actual point totals given for each activity are listed on the attached sheet.
You may begin accumulating points for this award as early as the first trimester of your freshman year. Applications are always available in the Activities Office. After you turn in your application form for each trimester, your point totals will be recorded. When your cumulative point total reaches 100, you will be presented with a Script "L". After you have received the Script "L" for every 50 accumulative points beyond the original 100, you will receive a gold star that may be put on your original award.
Please read the following page to see the maximum amount of points possible for each of the activities, leadership positions, and G.P.A. for last trimester. On the following page, list those, which apply to you. Next, go to each of those teachers, advisors, or administrators, and give them your forms to sign. After you have received all adult signatures needed. Total your points, and return your completed form as soon as possible to the Activities Office.